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The Architecture of Annoyance: Diagnosing issues involving Cargo and DTrace on MacOS

This post is a lengthy narration of some debugging/resolution I did involving MacOS, dtrace, Rust, and cross-architecture binary execution. It has deliberately not been edited for brevity by removing red herrings (threads I pulled on that turned out to be unrelated), both because those other threads might be useful to some readers, and because I think it is important to explain your mistakes as well as your successes.

If you’re having a similar issue to the one discussed here and just want it fixed, jump to the tl;dr at the end.

The problem #

I wanted to use flamegraph-rs to profile a program on MacOS 13. When I followed the quick-start guide, I ended up with an error:

> cargo install flamegraph
> cargo flamegraph --root --bin profile-me
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
dtrace: invalid probe specifier profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }: "/usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d", line 26: syntax error near "uthread_t"
failed to sample program

That was annoying. I spend too much a lot of time customizing my pathing and shell environment, so I hypothesized that it might be a misconfiguration of my laptop. No such luck; after backing out changes and trying with a more-or-less pristine shell profile, the issue remained.


I then double checked my SIP status. I’ve used dtrace (which flamegraph-rs is relying on for its profiling ingest) before on this laptop, and know that it needs certain parts of SIP disabled (at least, it does in order to work fully with all probes and with all binaries on the host), so I had done that previously. Had it been subsequently re-enabled due to an OS reinstall or upgrade?

> csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: disabled.

Nope, still disabled.

Research: DTrace mach_kernel symbols #

Next, I tried Google. invalid probe specifier profile dtrace turned up some promising issues (1, 2) with flamegraph-rs. Those seemed to be related to the flamegraph CLI, and mitigateable by passing certain arguments to bypass buggy code. No such luck, the error remained.

syntax error near "uthread_t" yielded a couple of hits, including one person on the hellsite having the same issue. No fixes, though.

Giving up on a path that wasn’t returning more than handfuls of search results per query, I opened /usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d. This appears to be the dtrace stdlib equivalent for MacOS. While I don’t understand the syntax in detail, the code looked relatively straightforward. The error was on line 26, right at the top of the very large file:

> sed -n 26p /usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d
inline uthread_t uthread = (mach_kernel`uthread_t)(&curthread[1]); /* ` */

That appeared to be looking up a symbol in mach_kernel’s … namespace? Import? Library? Not sure of the DTrace-specific term here, but that definitely seemed to be addressing the uthread_t symbol in the mach_kernel container, which was not defined in /usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d.

As a brief digression: at this point I noticed that both flamegraph-rs and my Rust distribution were a lot newer than that file, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to upgrade MacOS to Sonoma, version 14. I didn’t expect this would resolve the issue, but I upgraded anyway just to be on the safe side and get most of the tooling onto versions of platform components that it had likely been developed and tested against.

The upgrade went without issue, and sure enough, the problem remained. Back to the DTrace files. Googling dtrace mach_kernel uthread_t turned up a blast from the past forum thread from the bad old OSX 10.5 hackintosh days. There was a time when I visited insanelymac forums daily to try to stabilize my highly questionable OSX-where-it-didn’t-belong installations.

Anyway, the thread indicated that mach_kernel referenced in DTrace’s stdlib was indeed a sort of intrinsic import (aka what would be in the prelude in Rust, or builtins in Python). DTrace allows you to list all such available symbols:

> sudo dtrace -l | wc -l

Neat! Do any of them contain mach_kernel?

> sudo dtrace -l | grep mach_kernel | wc -l

The forum users in 2007 indicated that they had resolved missing-symbol issues by placing mach_kernel.ctfsys on their filesystem such that the symbols could be resolved. Did I have that?

> sudo find / | grep mach_kernel.ctfsys | wc -l

Nope. OK Google, how do I get it? Yet again, lots of results from the early 2000s. Some folks indicated that if you’d deleted that file you shouldn’t reboot your Mac or it would fail to boot because you had ripped out its heart removed its kernel. Others indicated that you had to reveal the hidden file. But none of their suggestions worked for me–no surprise, given that nearly two decades of OS changes had taken place singe those suggestions were authored.

So why weren’t the kernel symbols available? Searching down that rabbit hole led me to this thread, which tersely discusses DTrace mach_kernel symbols’ absence on an older version of MacOS, Monterey. Apparently that version of MacOS stopped shipping with some developer tools that contained kernel symbols for import use by DTrace.

Despite the old version of MacOS discussed, this firmed up my hypothesis that MacOS at some point stopped automatically including libraries/headers needed for DTrace to function in some important ways, and probably still did not include them as of MacOS 13/14. Apparently those files are available in the “Kernel Debug Kit”, or KDK, package from Apple. That package requires an Apple developer account (the free kind, not the $100 kind) to download and install, which is annoying–why can’t it be included with the XCode Command Line Tools, or the full distribution of XCode? Regardless, this was still an easy solution to try.

I created a MacOS developer account and installed the KDK, then tried symbol enumeration again:

> sudo dtrace -l | grep mach_kernel | wc -l

That looked a lot better. Did flamegraph-rs work?

> cargo flamegraph --root --bin profile-me
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
dtrace: invalid probe specifier profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }: "/usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d", line 26: syntax error near "uthread_t"
failed to sample program

Nope. That was frustrating. Was DTrace only partially able to resolve those symbols? Did it need some sort of update to its search path?

Peeling away layers: direct DTrace invocation #

It was time to get more info about how flamegraph-rs is invoking DTrace. Maybe verbose mode would help?

> cargo flamegraph --verbose --root --bin profile-me
build command: "cargo" "build" "--release" "--bin" "profile-me" "--message-format=json-render-diagnostics"
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
command "sudo" "dtrace" "-x" "ustackframes=100" "-n" "profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }" "-o" "cargo-flamegraph.stacks" "-c" "/Users/zac/profile_me/target/release/profile-me"
dtrace: invalid probe specifier profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }: "/usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d", line 26: syntax error near "uthread_t"
failed to sample program

Nice, a copy of the sudo dtrace ... command it was running internally. I tried that command manually:

> sudo dtrace -x ustackframes=100 -n 'profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }' -o cargo-flamegraph.stacks -c /Users/zac/profile_me/target/release/profile-me
dtrace: description 'profile-997 ' matched 1 probe
dtrace: pid 10042 has exited

Now that was interesting. It worked correctly when invoked manually, but failed when run via cargo flamegraph. This started feeling a lot more like the first thing I suspected about customized shell environment getting in the way, and less like an issue around obscure kernel symbol packages (spoiler: the KDK/kernel symbols were indeed a red herring. See the bottom of this post for a tl;dr on how to fix this issue).

What’s the difference? #

I looked around the flamegraph-rs source and didn’t see it obviously messing with any env variables for the std::process::Command object through which it spawned sudo dtrace, so it theoretically should have been invoked more or less the same way as my sudo dtrace shell command. There were a few ways I could think of that cargo flamegraph’s invocation of dtrace could be different from my own:

  1. sudo dtrace was invoked from cargo, a program other than an interactive shell.
  2. sudo dtrace was invoked in a directory different from the place I ran it on my shell.
  3. sudo dtrace was invoked with a customized environment and my cursory searching the flamegraph-rs source code had missed where that was happening.
  4. sudo did something weird/different when invoked via a program other than an interactive shell, and that different propagated to the sudo-invoked dtrace program and messed it up.
  5. Something else (sandboxing, chrooting, setuid, non-CLOEXEC file descriptors passed to the spawned process, and so on).

Does invoking sudo dtrace from something other than a shell cause issues? #

I tackled those in order. For the first one, I wrote a simple Rust program that ran the command verbatim, largely copied from the flamegraph-rs source:

use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    let mut command = Command::new("sudo");
    let dtrace_script = format!(
        "profile-{} /pid == $target/ \
             {{ @[ustack(100)] = count(); }}",
    let exit_status = command.spawn().unwrap().wait.unwrap();
    println!("Success? {}", exit_status.success());

Sure enough, that repro’d:

> cargo run --bin dtrace-spawner
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running `target/debug/dtrace-spawner`
dtrace: invalid probe specifier profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }: "/usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d", line 26: syntax error near "uthread_t"
Success? false

What the hell is special about cargo? #

I’d removed the flamegraph-rs layer of wrapping. How about cargo itself? I ran the program that spawned dtrace manually:

> ./target/debug/dtrace-spawner
dtrace: description 'profile-997 ' matched 1 probe
dtrace: pid 20984 has exited
Success? true

Ah ha! Something about cargo’s internal invocation machinery (of cargo plugins or of regular package binaries) was the culprit.

A different environment #

cargo verbose mode, tell me what you’re doing?

> cargo run -vv --bin dtrace-spawner
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
     Running `CARGO=/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/cargo CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=/path/to/project CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS='' CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION='' CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE='' CARGO_PKG_LICENSE='' CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE='' CARGO_PKG_NAME=untitled CARGO_PKG_README='' CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY='' CARGO_PKG_RUST_VERSION='' CARGO_PKG_VERSION=0.1.0 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MAJOR=0 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_MINOR=1 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PATCH=0 CARGO_PKG_VERSION_PRE='' DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH='/path/to/project/target/debug/deps:/path/to/project/target/debug:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib' target/debug/dtrace-spawner`
dtrace: invalid probe specifier profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }: "/usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d", line 26: syntax error near "uthread_t"
Success? false

Okay, it was definitely setting a bunch of env variables that could change subcommand behavior. Most of them looked related to Cargo itself, though DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH looked suspicious. Before I got into that, though, I wanted to know: was cargo allowing pre-existing env variables from my shell through, or was it running the internal command with an empty env (as if it were wrapped in env -i)?

I updated my program’s main to dump the env (sure, I could have used std::env, but this was quicker):

let mut command = Command::new("env");

Then I compared the output of that command when run on its own and inside cargo run:

> diff <(cargo run --quiet --bin print-env | sort) <(./target/debug/print-env | sort)
< CARGO=/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/cargo
< CARGO_HOME=/Users/zac/.cargo
< CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=/path/to/project
< CARGO_PKG_NAME=untitled
< DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/project/target/debug/deps:/path/to/project/target/debug:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib
< RUSTUP_HOME=/Users/zac/.rustup
< RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin
< __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x0

Okay, that confirmed that cargo run wasn’t internally stripping things out of the environment. I was actually a little bit surprised by that, since I could see a build system wanting to maximize determinism in that way. Regardless, my leading suspect for the issue was now the fact that cargo run was setting DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH, where my regular shell didn’t have it set at all. Could that library search path be affecting how and where dtrace was able to access the symbols it needed for tracing?

I tried running dtrace standalone with just that env set:

> export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/project/target/debug/deps:/path/to/project/target/debug:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib
> sudo dtrace -x ustackframes=100 -n 'profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }' -o cargo-flamegraph.stacks -c /Users/zac/profile_me/target/release/profile-me
dtrace: description 'profile-997 ' matched 1 probe
dtrace: pid 24926 has exited

Damn. It worked with DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH overridden, so that wasn’t it. Could it be another environment variable? I tried forcibly setting all of the variables I had observed in cargo run but not my regular shell before running the working dtrace invocations:

> export CARGO=/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/bin/cargo
> export CARGO_HOME=/Users/zac/.cargo
> export CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR=/path/to/project
> export CARGO_PKG_NAME=untitled
> export CARGO_PKG_VERSION=0.1.0
> export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/project/target/debug/deps:/path/to/project/target/debug:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin/lib:/Users/zac/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib
> export RUSTUP_HOME=/Users/zac/.rustup
> export RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN=nightly-aarch64-apple-darwin
> export __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0x0:0x0

> ./target/debug/dtrace-spawner
dtrace: description 'profile-997 ' matched 1 probe
dtrace: pid 28382 has exited
Success? true
> sudo dtrace -x ustackframes=100 -n 'profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }' -o cargo-flamegraph.stacks -c /Users/zac/profile_me/target/release/profile-me
dtrace: description 'profile-997 ' matched 1 probe
dtrace: pid 28464 has exited

So it wasn’t the environment at all. Bummer. What else could be different about cargo run? Barring wacky stuff like sandboxing (is seccomp or pledge even a thing on MacOS? Would it be anything short of insane for cargo to do that even if it were?), the first thing I can think of is the working directory.

Are the working directories the same? #

I updated my main to print out the directory via println!(std::env::current_dir()), but it was the same (and correctly inherited from the shell) inside and outside cargo run.

Is it sudo? #

This was getting really weird. Why would dtrace malfunction when called inside cargo, but not when called from any other program?

Ah, but I wasn’t running dtrace. I was running sudo dtrace. What if I moved sudo into the shell, and invoked dtrace directly in my command? I converted my dtrace invoker to not prepend sudo, like so:

use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
    let mut command = Command::new("dtrace");
    let dtrace_script = format!(
        "profile-{} /pid == $target/ \
             {{ @[ustack(100)] = count(); }}",

…and invoked it via cargo run. Sure enough, it failed with DTrace requires additional privileges. That was expected, let’s try with sudo:

> sudo cargo run --bin dtrace-spawner
dtrace: invalid probe specifier profile-997 /pid == $target/ { @[ustack(100)] = count(); }: "/usr/lib/dtrace/darwin.d", line 26: syntax error near "uthread_t"
Success? false

Wat. It was cargo causing things to break. What was cargo run doing?

Breathe in, breathe out #

Now, at this point I was investigating purely because I was curious (and annoyed, stubborn, and invested). I had a working means of generating dtrace output for my program, and was able to feed that into the flame grapher of my choice without using flamegraph-rs, and if time were of the essence I could have stopped investigating this awhile ago.

But that would have been too pragmatic no fun.

At this point I’d been at this for awhile. I walked around the block, asked some friends and colleagues about the issue, Googled a bit, and gathered my thoughts. Nothing obvious emerged, but it was worth recapping where I was at:

At this point I was running out of ideas. Before I started down even deeper rabbit holes (reading cargo source, dtrace source, trying on a different installation of MacOS, stuff like that), I decided to really thoroughly check my work.

Checking my assumptions: environment variables #

First assumption: the environment did not influence the behavior of dtrace. Rather than playing around with exporting stuff in my shell, I wanted to verify that very firmly by running sudo dtrace in a fully empty environment. I updated my Rust program to do the following:

let mut command = Command::new("sudo");
let exit_status = command.spawn().unwrap().wait().unwrap();
println!("Success? {}", exit_status.success());

No environment variables whatsoever. Sure enough, that indicated very few environment variables set; only things that came from sudo like HOME, SUDO_USER, and so on.

Okay, so let’s try running dtrace with a similarly-stripped environment:

let mut command = Command::new("sudo");
let dtrace_script = format!(
    "profile-{} /pid == $target/ \
         {{ @[ustack(100)] = count(); }}",
let exit_status = command.spawn().unwrap().wait().unwrap();
println!("Success? {}", exit_status.success());

Same error.

Checking my assumptions: working directory #

Next assumption to check: the working directory was the same. Was it really? Did I truly trust std::env::current_dir()? I switched to using the pwd command instead:

let mut command = Command::new("sudo");
let exit_status = command.spawn().unwrap().wait().unwrap();
println!("Success? {}", exit_status.success());

Sure enough, it printed the same directory both inside and outside of cargo run, which matched std::env::current_dir(). But was it really the same directory? I was distrusting everything at this point.

let dir = env::current_dir().unwrap();
let metadata = std::fs::metadata(dir).unwrap();
println!("inode: {}", metadata.st_ino());

The inode matched inside and outside of cargo, inside and outside of sudo, sudo cargo, etc. So no sneaky chroot.

What now? #

Before venturing into the unknown, I wanted to check one last set of ground truths: were my installations of cargo, sudo, dtrace, and any other programs involved in this issue correct? I started probing the installation binaries of each application I was interacting with just to make sure.

And I hit pay dirt.

To be honest, I only performed this check because I wasn’t sure if (for example) I had installed a hacked-up/patched version of cargo/dtrace sometime long ago and forgotten to uninstall it. While that didn’t turn out to be the case, I’m really glad I checked this.

Making sure the binaries are correct #

I’m on an M1 (that is, ARM) Mac laptop with Rosetta installed, so I can run x86 binaries too.

I started by checking the location, provenance (install date/checksum, and whether it matched with other Macs I had access to) of each program involved. I’ll skip most of the details as to how I did that, as they’re irrelevant, but I’ll include the output for probing the file type of each involved binary:

> file /Users/zac/profile_me/target/release/profile-me
/Users/zac/profile_me/target/release/profile-me: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

That means that the program I’m profiling is an ARM-only binary, which matches my MacOS architecture. Good so far…

> file $(which sudo)
/usr/bin/sudo: setuid cannot open: Permission denied

Weird, but making a “sudo sandwich” (not to be confused with sudo make me a sandwich) works:

> sudo file $(which sudo)
/usr/bin/sudo: setuid Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64e:Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e]
/usr/bin/sudo (for architecture x86_64):	Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/usr/bin/sudo (for architecture arm64e):	Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e

That’s a universal (ARM- and x86-compatible) binary, so that seems OK. How about dtrace?

 > file $(which dtrace)
/usr/sbin/dtrace: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [x86_64:Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64] [arm64e:Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e]
/usr/sbin/dtrace (for architecture x86_64):	Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64
/usr/sbin/dtrace (for architecture arm64e):	Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64e

Same deal. And cargo?

> file $(which cargo)
/Users/zac/.cargo/bin/cargo: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64

Son of a–

There it was. The cargo binary was x86-only.

Putting the pieces together #

Cargo can build Rust artifacts for any of the Rust toolchains/targets you have installed, so the binary architecture of the cargo program itself had never mattered to me until now. But now it mattered a lot.

See, the way Rosetta/binary compatibility on MacOS works (if you have rosetta installed, which I do) is this:

This gets complicated when it comes to programs that run other programs, like shells, programs that invoke other programs (like my process::Command usage), sudo, debuggers like dtrace … and cargo.

In those situations, you can think of it as if a magical environment variable were set when wrapper programs launch that says “what architecture should programs launched by this wrapper prefer to run as?”. No such variable exists, but the effect is the same, and the value is chosen based on the architecture for which the wrapper program was compiled.

Now, that imaginary varaible-but-not is not a “force this architecture” bit; it merely specifies a preference. If a program-spawning binary for x86_64 invokes a binary on the filesystem that is ARM-only, then the wrapped binary is run in ARM mode.

However, if the program-spawner invokes a “universal” binary (one which contains program code for multiple architecutres), it prefers to launch that binary in the architecture matching the architecture of the spawner.

The resulting matrix of “spawner architecture/override vs what spawned binaries run as” looks like this:

binary is universalbinary is x86binary is ARM
launcher is x86binary run as x86binary run as x86binary run as ARM
launcher is ARMbinary run as ARMbinary run as x86binary run as ARM
launcher forces x86binary run as x86binary run as x86error
launcher forces ARMbinary run as ARMerrorbinary run as ARM

Note that this behavior is totally unaffected by the native hardware architecture of the system, only the architecture of the binaries being run. That is going to be important.

In this case, both sudo and dtrace are universal binaries. My /Users/zac/profile_me/target/release/profile-me program-to-profile is ARM-only, because that’s the native architecture of my Mac and what my Rust build toolchain is configured to emit by default.

And cargo is x86_64-only (1)At no point here do we care about the architecture for which cargo builds packages. Cargo, regardless of its binary architecture, works just fine at invoking the Rust toolchain such that output Rust program binaries of any architecture (selected by the user) can be produced, cross-compiling or not. For the present issue, we are only interested in cargo as a command runner: i.e. when cargo flamegraph or cargo run spawn pre-existing binaries on the system, what architecture do they run as? , so the failure pathology is this:

The hierarchy looks like this:

my shell (zsh): ARM-only, run as ARM
    \_ cargo: x86-only, run as x86
        \_ ~/.cargo/bin/flamegraph: ARM-only, run as arm
            \_ sudo: universal, run as x86
                \_ dtrace: universal, run as x86
                    \_ program being profiled, ARM-only, run as ARM

And because DTrace’s architecture needs to match the architecutre of the program it’s hooked up to, a failure occurs.

The Quick Fix #

Now that I knew the issue, two options for a fix presented themselves: a quick one and a PR to flamegraph.

The quick fix was pretty straightforward.

First, I got rid of my x86 cargo and associated tooling:

> brew uninstall rustup
Uninstalling /opt/homebrew/Cellar/rustup-init/1.26.0_1... (9 files, 6.7MB)
> rm -rf ~/.rustup ~/.cargo
> cargo
zsh: command not found: cargo
> rustc
zsh: command not found: rustc

Goodbye, Rust! But not for long:

> brew update
Already up-to-date.
> brew install rustup
Please run `rustup-init` to initialize `rustup` and install other Rust components.
==> Summary
🍺  /opt/homebrew/Cellar/rustup-init/1.26.0_1: 9 files, 6.7MB
> rustup-init

rustup-init had a lot of output and prompts, but when it finished I had a minty fresh aarch64-apple-darwin rust toolchain installed.

But had it worked?

> file $(which cargo)
/Users/zac/.cargo/bin/cargo: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

Whew. Now we go all the way back to the start:

> cargo install flamegraph
> cargo flamegraph --root --bin profile-me
    Finished release [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.00s
dtrace: description 'profile-997 ' matched 1 probe
Running as arm64
dtrace: pid 71881 has exited
writing flamegraph to "flamegraph.svg"

Finally! It worked! I’d post the flamegraph if it mattered, but after spending all day on this I don’t want to deal with whatever is causing my CMS’s image transformation pipeline to choke on that file. So just take my word for it.

How did I get here? #

But how did I end up with an x86-only cargo binary on an ARM Mac in the first place?

After poking around a bit, I discovered that my workstation provisioning scripts run using Puppet, a common automation tool. Puppet automates a bunch of stuff, like brew installing packages I use, running rustup init and rustup target add ... and so on.

It turns out that part of the invocation machinery for Puppet, called Puppet Bolt is installed on MacOS as a binary .dmg file. That .dmg is, at the time of this writing, only available as x86. Meaning that whenever I used Puppet to manage Rust/rustup, Puppet was running in an environment that preferred x86 execution for sub-sub-sub-processes, causing rustup to build cargo for x86 only.

Puppet and Bolt are not special here. They’re just commands that run other commands, and so on down the chain. The problem is more general: the presence of an x86 invoker anywhere in the tree encourages the use (and, in the case of compilers for binaries like cargo, the creation) of x86 binaries for all processes “below” that invoker.

It’s quite possible (I’d even say “likely”) that many folks are affected by issues like this regardless of whether they provision with Puppet or just shell commands–after all, what if the old version of bash/zsh/$SHELL you’re using is x86 only? The same preference propagation will occur to commands it spawns.

This isn’t a new class of problem. At one point, Homebrew itself had “split” its entire package management landscape into x86 and ARM versions, both of which could be present on the same computer. Which brew you used (and which architecture of packages it preferred to install) depended on a byzantine combination of environment variables/pathing, how you installed Homebrew originally, and what binary architecture of shell/automation you were calling brew from. While that’s thankfully mostly a thing of the past now that most packages have good support for ARM, it still occasionally crops up with folks I do workstation support for: if they set up Homebrew/their mac way back during the tumultuous times when ARM was brand new and Rosetta was used really heavily everywhere, they can have significant issues today trying to get things to run natively whenever possible.

Short version of the “original sin” that got me into this situation: a workstation provisioning tool ran as x86 because its providers only distribute it as such. When it ran rustup, the x86-only cargo was installed.

The less-quick fix #

To prevent other users of flamegraph-rs from getting into this situation, I made a PR to address the issue by forcing dtrace to run as the host’s native architecture regardless of the architecture preference implicitly expressed by any parent processes.

I also filed some issues:

Tl;dr and Morals of the Story #

If you’re affected by some subpart of this specific issue (involving Puppet, Bolt, or flamegraph-rs) do whichever of the following are applicable to you in order to pull in the fixes listed above:

If you find yourself in a similar situation, here are the cliff notes of what I learned:

But Wait! #

There’s more!

Astute readers will have noticed an inconsistency between the hypothesis regarding architecture-preference inheritance among process spawners, and the architectures of the spawners that were actually in play on my system.

Stay tuned for a sequel post (this one’s too long already) within the next week (edit: this was hilariously optimistic, it’s been two months and it’s still sitting in my drafts folder accumulating tweaks), in which I will dig into that and figure out what, exactly, the Rosetta arch-preference rules are.